Saturday, March 28, 2009

Malayasian Food first time

Today, I decided to have Malyasian food. It was nice. Its called "sea food with fried rice". Thanks Hammad for the lunch. My comment will be malayasians like sweet type of food. I dont know in detial though. What do you think guys? but one thing is obvious, they eat a lot of sea food. Other than sea food there was only one item (chicken).

I have been trying various foods these days, I tried Japanese twice in the last week. I really loved Sushi:). Often, I do try Indian and chinese. Last night, I had chinese. Chinese is good and cheap but to me Indian food is the best as its quite the same food that I used to have in my home country. Jai ho:)..


  1. You're welcome. Maybe you should treat me to some new kid of food soon :P

  2. @hammad: I know u like Iranian food:) .. come on tell us how do iranian foods taste?

  3. I never tasted fancy foods. You know why. So, I have nothing to say here......:)

  4. @sadid: Iranian and Malaysian foods are halal:).. So you should try. Besides most of the Malaysian foods are seafood.

  5. @joty: Wht kind of iranian food r u talking abt :)

  6. @Salim bhai: Whats in your mind?.. Iranians eat a lot of lamb I guess..
